Evaluation of inhibitory Effect of Solenostemon monostachyus on alpha amylase and alpha glucosidase enzymes of rats
diabetes, alpha glucosidase, alpha amylase, Solenostemon monostachyusAbstract
Background: Solenostemon monostachyus (P. Beauv.) Brig. (Lamiaceae) a medicinal plant used traditionally in the treatment of diseases including diabetes was evaluated for effect on alpha amylase and alpha glucosidase enzymes in vivo.
Methods: The leaf extract (75, 150, 225 mg/kg) of Solenostemon monostachyus were investigated in vivo for inhibitory effect on alpha amylase and alpha glucosidase enzymes using starch, sucrose and maltose as substrates. Acarbose was used as reference drug.
Results: The leaf extract caused significant (p<0.05) and non-dose-dependent reduction in blood glucose levels of treated rats with the various substrates used.
Conclusion: The results suggest that the leaf extract of Solenostemon monostachyus have the potentials to inhibit alpha amylase and glucosidase in rats.
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